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The Inside Scoop on Animal Jobs

What are Animal Jobs?

Jobs working directly with animals can include anything from being a dog walker or groomer to being a vet to a zookeeper. There are lots of other jobs that involve animal welfare, including working for an animal shelter or charity.

In the for-purpose space, animal-related jobs tend to fall into three categories:

  • Organisations that help to rescue sick, injured or neglected animals

  • Organisations that work to improve conditions for all animals in the future

  • Organisations that work more widely to protect the environment and wildlife

In many cases, the aims and work of the organisations overlap these categories. For example, rescue charities also provide education on how to better care for animals to try and reduce the number of animals needing help.

Animal jobs- the stats

  • There are hundreds of animal charities in New Zealand. Some of these are well-known New Zealand-wide organisations like the SCPA. Others are small local charities that concentrate on particular locations or specific situations like Pet Refuge which helps people looking to move away from violent or dangerous situations take their pets with them.

  • These organisations have a big job on their hands with plenty of animals in need of help. In 2022 Forest and Bird estimated that there were around 196,000 stray cats in New Zealand and that the number of feral (wild) cats was in the millions. Each year the SPCA helps around 30,000 animals across the country.

  • The Covid-19 pandemic and cost of living difficulties have seen an increase in the number of animals being handed or ending up at rescue organisations. 

  • When it comes to the wider environment, Predator Free 2050 is a goal to make New Zealand free of predator species including rats, stoats and possums by 2050 to protect native birdlife and wildlife.

What kind of jobs are available?

When people think of working with an animal charity, many think of hands-on roles with the animals. But just like any other, animal organisations need a range of other workers too.

Jobs can include:

  • Marketing, communications and social media management

  • Fundraising

  • Education and training

  • HR for employees or coordinating volunteers

  • Administration

  • Investigations

  • Retail specialists

Paid roles are often limited to a small group of core jobs with the rest of the work being carried out by volunteers.

How do these jobs do good?

Animal organisations can have an impact immediately in the case of rescuing and rehabilitating animals in need and protecting native species, and in the longer term by educating people about animal welfare and related issues like climate change.

Have I got the skills?

If you have any transferable skills then you will have some of the skills needed to work for an animal organisation, unless you are planning to apply for a specialist role like a vet. 

An affinity for animals will obviously be a bonus for anyone looking to work in this area. Usually, there is training for workers or volunteers who will be looking after the animals.

Depending on the role you take, you may also need a reasonable amount of fitness and be available to work out of normal hours - for example, if you are helping to move animals during a rescue.

What salary can I expect?

The salary for animal welfare and conservation roles varies greatly depending on the role and the funding the organisation has. A nationwide charity like the SPCA may have more funding available than a small local charity. If you are working in a specialist role like a vet, then you will attract a higher salary to reflect the training and skills needed.

You can also find animal-related jobs in other organisations like the Department of Conservation or local councils. Salaries for these roles may be greater because they will be better funded.

Because many animal charities are run on a tight budget they rely on volunteers for some roles - usually the roles that involve looking after the animals on-site or fostering rescued animals, although they may include a contribution towards costs. If you love animals and can devote the time, you might want to consider working a different day job and volunteering at an animal rescue as a passion project.

Volunteering can be a good way of finding your dream for-purpose job and it’s great for the soul too!

What kind of animal jobs does Do Good Jobs advertise?

On our jobs board, we have a wide range of animal-related jobs, from hands-on to behind-the-scenes. Here are some of the animal-related organisations that advertise with us:

Forest and Bird




Predator Free 2050

Our Seas Our Future

Mountains to Sea

Wellington Zoo

Nga Manu Nature Reserve