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10 green dream jobs you've never heard of

Feeling uninspired on your job hunt? Don’t be! Your perfect job might be one you’ve never imagined. Check out this list of 10 weird and wonderful green dream jobs - #6 is my all-time favourite.

#1 Green Funeral Director 

Think Six Feet Under with more hemp and less drama….

Green funerals provide a more natural and eco-friendly alternative to those last goodbyes. They use caskets or coverings made from natural, biodegradable and sustainable materials and little or no embalming.   Check out Fiona King from Broadbent and May speaking on this topic at TedX Wellington.

Perfect for: the practical and emotionally perceptive treehugger. 

Steer clear if: you’re uncomfortable talking about death.

#2 Bicycle Fisher 

In Amsterdam, thousands of bikes end up in canals every year. The solution? Employ full-time Bicycle Fishers to hunt for bikes with a giant mechanical claw. 

The bicycles are recycled for scrap. It’s the cycle…. the cycle of life. Find out more about bike fishing.

Perfect for: your friendly local cycling and waste enthusiast.

Steer clear if: you don't want to move to Amsterdam.

#3 Ecotherapist 

Do you love the environment and ALL THE FEELINGS? Ecotherapy may be just your cup of nettle tea.

It’s founded on the idea that mental distress can be lessened by connecting our insides with the outside. Find more about ecotherapy.  

Perfect for: the greenie with strong boundaries. 

Steer clear if: you think crying is a sign of weakness.

#4 Beehive Renter

Forget the birds, embrace the bees! Urban farming and plummeting bee populations has led to a rise in bee rental buzz-inesses.

Your clients get honey, and garden pollinators, you give a helping hand to our favourite flower-dancers. Kiwibees is one Aotearoa-based example.

Perfect for: the business-minded biodiversity lover.

Steer clear if: you‘re allergic to bee-stings. 

#5 Environmental Lawyer

Do you want to fight for the earth’s right to party survive? Environmental lawyers take the fight off the streets and into the courtroom, using the power of the law to protect public health, land and wildlife, further clean energy and tackle climate change.

Perfect for: the vocal earth advocate. 

Steer clear if: youdon’t like arguing.

#6 Panda Impersonator

Scientists sometimes monitor panda cub health while wearing panda costumes sprayed with panda urine. Pandas shouldn't get comfortable with humans because they need to survive when they're released in this wild. 

Perfect for: the scientist with an exhibitionist streak. 

Steer clear if: you prefer minimal panda urine. 

#7 Natural Builder

Does less pollution, better resource use and making things with your hands stoke your fire? Natural building includes any sort of construction that mostly avoids human-made or industrial materials.

Perfect for: the hands-on free-spirit. 

Steer clear if: you don’t like getting your hands dirty.

#8 Traceability Manager 

It’s so important that we can trust what we’re buying - if it says ‘sustainable’ on the packet, is it really?

As a Traceability Manager you’d be looking at the supply-chain and ensuring product integrity. Like an ethical product cop.

Perfect for: the earth-lovin’ law-abider. 

Steer clear if: you prefer to colour outside the lines.

#9 Forest School Teacher  

Want to teach but not so keen on the conventional school system? Forest schools allow children go into nature to learn once a week, which may lead to improved communication, concentration, green behaviour and less stress! Find out more about forest schools.

Perfect for: the child-at-heart who loves to inspire others.

Steer clear if you: hate children. Obviously.

#10 Organic Lube Entrepreneur 

This one's for all the burgeoning eco-entrepreneurs out there. You can really make anything eco-friendly: BonkLube make natural certified organic personal lubricants right here in Aotearoa out of ingredients like guar gum and haraheke. Find out more about BonkLube.

Perfect for: the energized entrepreneur. 

Steer clear if you'd: prefer not to shock your parent's friends.

Feeling inspired to keep your options open? Me too! I’ve bought the suit, now I just need to track down a vial of panda urine… 

If we've missed out your favourite weird and wonderful green dream job, let us know in a comment below.

Header photo by Arnaud Mesureur on Unsplash.

All other photos also found via Unsplash.