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Get Ready to Roll in 2024 With The Wheel of Life

Every year at this time, I roll out my Wheel of Life. It's been my trusty go-to tool for the past 5 years, steering my life forward.

Now, I know what many of you are thinking - "The wheel of what now?" Stick with me, and I promise you'll be thanking me by the end of this read.

NOTE: Stick around and I also have a FREE resource you can access to help you use this tool to navigate your journey in the year ahead

So, what's this Wheel of Life, you ask?

It's the Swiss Army knife for coaching, personal development, and life planning, and for a good reason. It provides a visual representation of eight different segments of your life—career, health, relationships, personal development, and more.

Just like you should check your tyre pressure before you embark on your summer roadie, the Wheel of Life gets you to check the pressure on each segment of your life and see where you are cruising smoothly, and the areas that might be a bit uneven and indicate areas where you may need to pay a little attention to, or make some improvements.

It isn't about judgment; it's about creating awareness and giving you a gentle nudge towards what you DO want in life, and away from what you DON’T.

When you see it all laid out, suddenly, you've got a clear view of where to focus your efforts and serves as a starting point for creating action plans to improve things. 

At this time of year, it’s a great tool for approaching goal setting and figuring out what needs to change in the year ahead, whether that’s a small patch to make a repair, or where a complete overhaul and support is needed to help get you back on the metaphorical road again.

Where the rubber hits the road

This tool isn’t about just about making moves in your career. It's about juggling the whole of your life—the personal, the professional, the downright chaotic. The Wheel of Life can steer you towards a balanced life that fuels your impact-making work.

The Wheel of Life forces you to look at your life holistically. It's not just about that board meeting - it's about the dinner with your loved ones afterwards. It's not just about hitting those KPIs - it's about maintaining the right energy to keep smashing them. When you balance the personal and the professional, you're not just avoiding burnout, you're setting the stage for sustainable impact. 

Your personal life isn't a distraction - it's the secret sauce to your success. When you take time for you, you bring more to your cause - more energy, creativity and ideas, leadership - all things that make impact, and do it easier and faster! 

Ready to take a spin?

Now that I've spilled the tea on my love affair with the Wheel of Life, I've got something exciting for you.

🥁Drumroll, please! 🥁

I'm gifting you a FREE template and a short, snappy video guide to kickstart your own Wheel of Life journey for the year ahead.

For me, this tool has been invaluable. Each year, I do this exercise (alongside my now husband - getting married is one thing we ticked off the list in last year’s wheel of life review around our relationship!)  and then we see which areas need a little love in the year ahead.

This is the first year it’s started to feel pretty balanced and level, but it’s taken focus and intentional small changes over a sustained period of time to get me here because, to use my fave quote: “Little by little, a little becomes a lot.”

As we round out 2023, I want to remind you that success isn't a one-dimensional journey. It's a wild ride that needs balance, self-awareness, and action-taking over time.

So, go ahead, take action, download this template, watch the video, and let this Wheel guide you to a life that's not just impactful but fulfilling too. 

If you're a for-impact leader seeking support in 2024 to strike a balance between your leadership and your life (one impacts the other I can assure you!) and want the mindset and methods to maximise impact don't hesitate to reach out. Let's connect and lock in a discovery call, where we can delve into your unique challenges and aspirations. Together, we'll explore how my coaching packages might be able to help provide the tailored support you need to navigate the complexities of leadership while maintaining a fulfilling personal life. 

Your journey to balance and impact begins with a simple conversation – looking forward to connecting and charting a course for success!

Book a discovery call here:

Here's to rolling toward success in 2024 and steering through life with better balance. 🎡💥🙌