Three tips to finish your year STRONG

man on top of mountain

It's official: we've hit December and we’re in the final stretch of 2022. 

And even though the year is nearly over, there’s still time to finish STRONG!

That’s why today I wanted to share THREE things that you can do right now in order to set yourself up for a strong finish in 2022.

Ready? Here they are : 

#1. Define what a successful finish to the year looks like for you?

Every Friday, I focus on a Friday-Finisher. The ONE thing I want to get done before the week wraps up that will make me feel like I have achieved what I set out to do on Monday.  So, how about we do this with December – a December-Finisher (ok, it doesn’t flow quite so well!).

What ONE thing do you want to tick off by the end of the year that will have you feeling like you’ve ended the year on high note? Maybe it finishing off a work project, setting up a new system or tool to help you in 2023, finally finishing that online training course, or decluttering your office.   

#2. Celebrate the WINS!

What BIG and small things went really well this year, and maybe surprised you?  What was the breakthrough that helped make this happen?

And finally, how are you going to celebrate these awesome wins? When we stop to celebrate the big and small wins we give our brains a little hit of dopamine, a feel-good brain chemical, which helps keeps us motivated, boosts emotions, and shapes our perspective. So, it's quite important we pause and celebrate more!

You might also want to look at the whoomps – the things that didn’t go quite so well, and take the lessons from this through to next year.  

#3. Set up a plan for 2023

You may not really be all that jazzed by the idea of planning for 2023 right now. Maybe you’re feeling time-poor, overwhelmed and exhausted and planning is the last thing on your mind (bring on the mince pies and summer holidays already!).

The problem is, I really don’t want you to get to December next year and find yourself (and your team) in the same place.  

- Stuck in the same cycle. 

- Spinning wheels taking unnecessary and energy-sapping action. 

- Not making the impact you thought you would. 

- Burnt out and over your work. 

- Feeling a bit like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day… 

The work you do is too important for this to happen!

We might not know exactly what will happen in 2023, but one thing won’t change: If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. (Thanks, Benjamin Franklin!)

And while planning isn’t a topic that excites many people, to really get ahead and make an impact you need to figure out the big picture to provide focus.

If you feel the year has slipped by, you’ve not hit your goals, or you just want to make next year bigger and better, sign up for the Plan for Impact workshop to craft your plans for 2023.

If you’re keen to learn more, check out

Ok, that’s my THREE to help make December a cracker and 2023 a year of more wins, more finishers, and more impact.

Will you commit to doing one or all of these to end the year strong?

Julia Capon - For Impact Coach

Over her career, Julia has worked exclusively with for-purpose organisations alongside founding Do Good Jobs!

Today she delivers a variety of courses and coaching to the for-purpose sector to help reduce burnout, ease workloads and free up time to make more impact through the For Impact Coach. Read more at

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