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The 6 Key Challenges Facing Purpose-Led Leaders

After years of coaching leaders like you, I've picked up on some common struggles that seem to trip us up. Even though we're all unique superheroes, the challenges that tangle our capes share similar vibes.

BEFORE I dive into this too much further though, this is a great chance for me to check which issues resonate most for you! 

Take my quick survey to share your biggest struggle and I’ll take the most requested topic and will whip up some support (maybe even a FREE webinar!) to help you navigate this.

Fill in this short and sweet survey

Below I've outlined six core challenges I commonly coach my clients through and provided links to some past posts to give you some quick support to overcome them.

*Important note: I haven't included a pretty common challenge which is “funding”, because often, if you're facing the hurdles below, securing funding or finance will be a lot harder. When you nail challenges like having a goosebump-filled, tingly vision, a next step strategy (including exactly how much funding you need and a plan for where this might come from) AND prioritise fitting in some self-care around your world-changing work, attracting resources starts to flow more easily.

Challenge #1: Stuck in doin' mode

Leading with purpose can feel like you're a hamster on a wheel – constantly putting out fires and dealing with crises.  The problem is, this go-go-go mode leaves almost no time for the critical strategic work that can really move the needle on your mission – things like relationship-building that secures funding, resources or support, supporting and developing your team, and dreaming big and long-term.

Carving out even an hour a month to plan and set priorities pays off BIG TIME. Avoid thinking you need a full day to do "strategic planning" - start small, but be consistent. That might be just planning out priorities for the next 90 or 30 days. These small steps will help you work smarter and give you a feeling of accomplishment as you start to see the progress being made. 

What small thing can you do today – even if just for 10 minutes – to get out of “doing” mode and into leadership mode? Baby steps forward are still progress, so start small!

Read about the power of 90 day planning

Challenge #2: No time for self-care

The typical clients I see are stressed and burned out, with no time in their calendar for themselves. Running on adrenaline, little sleep, caffeine, and sugar highs is no way to run a marathon! Working yourself into the ground isn't sustainable for world-changing.

Even taking a few minutes a day for self-care makes a huge difference. Taking care of yourself isn't selfish – it's how you show up fully charged with the right energy, creativity and focus as a leader.  When you're operating at your finest, your whole team and community benefit. So do yourself and your mission a favour by pressing pause weekly. Embrace the idea that self-care MUST be part of your job description as a leader. The world needs you, but you need you-time first!

Kristin, one of my recent coaching clients, said this about self-care:

“I remember Julia saying in our discovery call that we’d focus on some mindset work, and I first thought: I don’t need that, I just want some practical tips to run my business better. This mindset shift I had around why I need to put self-care first really surprised me and is the one thing that has made the world of difference. Prioritising me first means I show up with better energy, creativity, and also as a better leader, partner and Dad” -  Kristin Gillies - Director, For Purpose (

Read more about why self-care needs to be part of your JD.

Challenge #3: DIY’er syndrome

Many leaders in the social impact space fall into the trap of taking on too much and trying to do it all themselves.  But this tendency to hold onto responsibilities creates bottlenecks and hinders our organisation’s growth and resilience. The true cost is lost opportunities for growth and impact.

There are only so many hours in the day and a key skill for any leader looking to make impact is learning to delegate effectively - trusting others to take ownership and contribute their skills allows your organisation to scale and empowers your team too.

Yes, it takes time upfront to document and transition knowledge. But once you implement systems and empower your staff, your time is freed up for big-picture strategy (see challenge #1). Investing in learning what to delegate, and then how to do this well reaps dividends, I guarantee! I’ve seen this so many times with clients and through my Delegate for Impact course which I hope to revamp this year if there is interest.

Learn how our DIY mentality holds back our Purpose

Challenge #4: Personal growth on the backburner

Many of us fell into leadership roles because of our skills and passion for our cause, and more often than not, we haven't had any formal management training along the way.  We often muddle through and will prioritise organisational needs over our own development.

Investing in skills, overcoming limiting beliefs and evolving your mindset is the KEY for tackling challenges and getting unstuck. Make your growth a priority by blocking off time for courses, conferences, or coaching. Seek out a professional development budget or look for free resources, scholarships, and group discounts if funds are an issue. Look for where the dividends and return on investment are going to be the greatest and remind yourself that investing in YOU benefits your mission too.

Sharpening your saw ensures you show up as your best self to create change. Commit to learning and your organisation and community will reap the rewards.

Find out how to self-direct your learning to advance your career for free.

Challenge #5: Opting for quick fixes over inner work

It's tempting to seek out the latest shiny tools, apps and hacks as quick fixes when you want to get organised or focused. But often these are just band-aids that provide temporary relief without addressing core issues.

True transformation requires looking inward first. Pausing to understand what inner blocks or limiting beliefs hold you back is key. Identifying patterns of negative self-talk - like fear, self-doubt, and perceived scarcity - that aim to keep you "safe" but stuck is transformational.

Sustainable change comes from doing the personal development to evolve your mindset – NOT from any external hack. It takes actively rewiring those limiting thoughts. There is a saying that goes, 80% of success is mindset while just 20% is tools and systems. Yet we often skip the hard inner work and jump right to the tools.

Know yourself, name your barriers, and then begin rewriting old ways of thinking that no longer serve you. Be patient with yourself in this process. No external solution can shortcut the journey within. But the rewards of inner work are immense. The head (mindset) piece of the puzzle is a key pillar of my head, heart and hand coaching framework because it is truly transformational.

Read more about my framework and assess where you are at in the “Head” section of this blog.

Challenge #6: A murky vision

It's easy to lose sight of the big-picture vision. Without crystal clear clarity on the desired future state, there is no guiding star to steer by, no vivid destination to motivate and rally your team. A murky vision leads to aimless work. It's impossible to align priorities and focus effort. You may be busy but are you making true progress?

The most compelling leaders I have met have vivid visions for the future they are building and believe that it is possible. And this clarity of purpose is often what inspires funders, partners, and staff to get involved (this is where the “funding” challenge becomes way less daunting). As Dan Palotta said, "The next time you are looking at a charity, don't ask about their overhead, ask about the scale of their dreams."

Regularly revisit your vision. This should be the stuff that gives you massive goosebumps. If it doesn’t, it’s an indicator you’ve got some work to do. Make it vivid and specific - how does success feel and look? What important phone call are you answering in 10 years time that acknowledges the work your organisation has done? Who must you personally BE to reach that destination? This clarity can help you get through a rough day, and should guide ALL your decisions. 

Clarity of vision drives focused action. As a leader, without a crystal clear vision, you are drifting, not steering.

Discover the power of really knowing your organisation’s why.

If any of these challenges resonate with you, I assure you that you're not alone in facing them! If any deeply speak to you, please take my quick survey so I can create tailored support focused on that common struggle. We are all works in progress, and overcoming these hurdles takes time, self-compassion, and the right community.

As a leader and a coach who has worked through many of these myself, I love coaching those who are looking to take the next step and get support. If you are wondering if coaching might be a good fit for you, grab a free discovery call and let’s chat more. Sometimes sitting with a coach and taking time to express your thoughts is what you need to gain clarity and to realise that you already have everything inside you to transform each obstacle into an opportunity for growth.

Progress starts with the courage to say, "This challenge will not defeat me." and to figure out the next baby step forward.  If you haven’t already, a first step might be filling in my survey and asking for the help you need. Fill in the survey here. I’ll do what I can to support the biggest issues through future content here, a free webinar or something else.